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F-Chess Union Declaration Автор: Артур Фролов Дата: 10.01.2020 16:25 Chess is a small part of human activity, of intelligent discrete finite-stage martial arts with complete and equal information for both sides at any given time, it is a branch of mathematics, game theory, on the one hand, and a mentality simulator based on the most general numerical and geometric principles of nature, society and man, on the other. A distinctive feature of chess, bringing them closer to a real description of the internal springs of societies, is the phenomenon of checkmate to the king, as the goal of the game of both warring sides. It is the checkmate that makes chess to be a chess, regardless of the principles of the initial placing of pieces, the size of the board and the completeness of the material, while the checkmate is goal of chess that assumes the presence of no more than one king on each opposing side at any time during the game. Based on mirror symmetries and supersymmetries, chess evolutionarily approaches the representation of processes occurring in the external environment, and, for this reason, is its (environment) simplified version, a kind of myth that helps shape decision-making patterns in this external environment. Chess is much less an element of an entertainment culture than a technology for mentoring and brain training. The task of our organization is to reveal new possibilities of chess, to expand their application for the knowledge of the world, society and man. A method for achieving such goals is to remove artificial restrictions, bringing the chess game, as such, to the most general form, as far as possible. Our organization is being created and proposes to act in the field of research, improvement and application of chess for the intellectual progress of mankind. Any thinking creature who understands and approves this mission, and who considers himself a supporter of intellectual development, can be a participant in our movement. To enter the F-Chess Union does not require any material costs or formal steps, it is enought to have internal feeling of their involvement in the common efforts. F-Chess Union does not imply mandatory registration of a legal entity in any of the jurisdictions, as the goals and objectives of such registration can be significantly distorted due to the inconsistency of local laws with the ideals, logic and physics, on which F-Chess Union's desire to accelerate intellectual progress is based, and also because any humanitarian and scientific achievements belong to everything humanity, not a separate jurisdiction. However, F-Chess Union may be registered as a brand, a legal entity in some jurisdictions, if the organization’s bodies or individual supporters consider it appropriate. Thus, the F-Chess Union has the following objectives: - the study and application of chess for the development of mankind, - the establishment and maintenance of cyclic world championships, - ensuring a self-sustaining and self-reproducing mode of existence of a world organization, - consolidation and perpetuation of the achievements of the organization, and its members. The core of the organization’s functioning is the World Championships cycle, which identifies the strongest F-chess players, forms material for studying advanced achievements in intellectual martial arts, as well as an environment consisting of the most powerful players, which are World champions. A natural step is the creation of the Council of World Champions (CWC), as one of the F-chess drivers. F-Chess Union involves the issuance of an internal accounting unit that will be used for any transactions, including raising funds from the outside world. IAU holders will have investor status with rights similar to those of corporate shareholders. Thus, another driver for the development of F-chess is being formed in the person of the General Meeting of Investors (GMI) and the executive bodies appointed by it (EBGMI). It is the latter structure that carries out all the activities of the organization, consisting of operations with material resources, legal rights, interaction with jurisdictions, the construction of profit-making structures, reporting, etc. The described structure of the organization is naturally derived from its goals and objectives, and could be suitable for any organization for any purpose, however, the scientific and humanitarian nature of the product resulting from the functioning of the F-Chess Union, and, as a consequence, the need for consensus in solving any questions by the bodies of CWC and EBGMI. This text is an invitation to discussion and a search for like-minded people, and, like any simple scheme, over time it will be supplemented by the ideas and intellectual efforts of those whom, in fact, it (the text) invites to dialogue. Автор: Артур Фролов
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